Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Right To Live - Terri Schiavo

The Terri Schiavo case has been in the news lately. For those who do not know who she is I refer you here:

Terri Schiavo

Terri's case admittedly is a difficult one but I cannot help but view her as "disabled" and therefore deserves the protection and intervention of the U.S. government in her behalf. Every disabled person in the country should have risen to her aide. Federal Judge Whittemore's decision today was just unconscionable. He has shown himself devoid of moral judgment.

Worse than Judge Whittemore is Terri's husband Michael who is "suspected" by Terri's parents to have been the one responsible for Terri's current condition in a botched murder attempt. However, in his defense no evidence has been found to prove these suspicions. You do have to wonder though about a man who won a malpractice lawsuit and promised to use the money for therapy for Terri and then requested a "do not resuscitate" order, refused therapy and barred stimulation and treatment for infections. He now lives with another woman, who he has had two children with, and when Terri dies I am sure that he will get whatever is left of all that settlement money (and probably insurance), after he pays all the attorney and doctor fees. A caregiver for Terri testifies that he "wants her to die; he doesn't want the truth to be known,". She also states that:

"when Terri Schiavo was having a urinary tract infection, Michael Schiavo "would be excited, thrilled, even hoping that she would die soon."

"What makes you say that?" Iyer was asked.

"He would blurt out 'When is she gonna die? When is that B-I-T-C-H gonna die? Hasn't she died yet?'"

Michael Schiavo is a very sick and deceived man. I have rarely seen such evil manifested. We must pray for Michael that God will open his eyes to see how wrong what he is doing is, in God's eyes, by demanding that Terri be taken off the feeding tube. Doctors have said that they believed that Terri could be able to communicate on a basic level with some speech therapy. Michael of course has banned all access to any therapy that could "improve" Terri's condition. It makes you wonder if he wants to make absolutely sure that she can never talk and tell what really happened that day that put her in this condition?

Granted, Terri is not normal. She has brain damage, which makes her "disabled". She will never live a quality of life that the most of us enjoy but does that make her life any less valuable? It's valuable to God! He has given men knowledge and she is able to be sustained by one simple thing...a feeding tube. She is not on a respirator. She responds to people and even makes basic sounds. She recognizes her relatives when they visit. Does this sound like a "vegetable"?

What happened to Terri is terrible enough but even criminals have been executed in a more humane manner. Not starved to death! Animals are treated more humanely than Terri is being! In fact animals have more rights that protect them against this type of abuse then humans do! What a topsy turvy world we live in!

The media has also purposely withheld information on this case or has distorted the facts leading the public to believe that Terri is a vegetable and has the "right" to die. But Terri is NOT a vegetable!

No judge on her case has ever come to see her. Terri's husband, Michael, has refused anyone permission to visit the nursing home where she is cared for except her immediate relatives unaccompanied. The only other people he will allow visitation is her parents attorney and her priest. Nobody else! What has he been afraid of? Possibly that persons could be used to testify that she is NOT a vegetable as he would have you believe?

The judges that have stood by and made decisions that will lead to Terri's death will one day have to stand before a greater Judge and answer for their actions (or should I say inactions) should Terri die. They will have set a precedent that will start this country down a road that is not good. We will soon see any person who is no longer valuable and contributing to our society as just another burden to get rid of. Persons born mentally challenged or severely defective in some way will just be put to death. Why should we value a non-contributing member of society?

God is the only one who has the right to take a life. If it is within our power to preserve a life, even if the quality of that life is not normal, we have the moral responsibility to do so, and to care for that individual. This whole issue has shown me even more than ever how morally bankrupt our country and society has become.

We know NOT what God may be doing in a persons spirit and the formation that he is accomplishing in the inner man. The Bible says in Phillipians 1:6b that "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ". Our personhood consists of more than just a body and more than just a mind also. In I Thessalonians 5: 23 Paul reveals that man is tripartite in nature. He is a spirit first of all, and he has a soul, and he lives in a body! Spirit, soul and body comprises man. Constantly the scriptures refer to the inner man. That is the "real" you where the real work of God is taking place. We may be surprised to find when we get to heaven that all the suffering Terri has been going through these years has actually been forming a saint!

I cannot think of anything more corrupt than a society that no longer values life. No matter how weak that life may be. God uses the weak things of the world to confound the wise. Let's all pray that he does so in Terri's case and pray for Terri's husband that he will repent of his evil deeds and seek mercy from Christ before it's too late!

Peace be with Terri!


Monday, March 21, 2005

Every Form Of Evil

I Thessalonians 5:22

"Abstain from every form of evil"


I was thinking today about a subject that often bothers me...abstaining from the appearance of evil. Modern translations have somewhat watered down the word "form" as used in the NKJV and several other translations. The Greek word eidos means the object of sight, what is "seen" or better yet the word "appearance". The Greek word apechomai translated as abstain means to; keep oneself, to abstain or refrain from.


More and more I see so-called Christians doing things that I personally have a problem with and I really can't quite understand why they do not seem bothered at all. They think because they have good intentions and have kept themselves pure that if what they have done has an appearance of evil then that is my problem NOT theirs. They are not concerned with what people think and perceive by their behavior. They would prefer to call me a "legalist" just because I saw their behavior as "inappropriate" for one who professes Christ. However, I have a real problem when I find that brothers of mine have had their girlfriends spending the night or accompanying them on long trips. Now I have no doubt that these brothers were sincere and nothing "happened" between them that would fall into the realm of fornication but they did put themselves into compromising positions that were not after the character and nature of Christ.


The "appearance of evil" needs to be considered. As Christians we are told not to act "improperly" towards a virgin (I Cor. 7:36). If we "think" that we are then we should marry. Simple as that! Now this must not be taken in just a "literal" sense but the "moral" sense that tells us that there is certain behavior that is unfitting between persons of the opposite sex. Otherwise you get into semantics about whether she is a virgin or not just to "justify" your behavior. In I Corinthians 13 the NASB version says that love "does not act unbecomingly". Love does not behave in a way that is inappropriate or unseemly. 


Our postmodern culture has had such far-reaching effects on our casual outlook on everything that we have forgotten that we serve a "holy" God. It says in I Peter 1:16 that we are to be "holy" and the reason stated is because "He" (God) is holy. It is fine to "take along a believing wife" as the Apostle Paul states in I Corinthians 9:5 but I'm pretty sure that Paul might object to some of the loose behavior that I am witnessing today.


Television shows like "Friends" have done a lot of damage in changing attitudes as to what is right or wrong in relational behavior. Don't get me wrong...I have watched "Friends", and have found it an extremely funny show at times, and even really brilliantly written in some respects, BUT the casual attitude that says that men and women can be "just" friends is wrong. The show itself didn't even hold up to that attitude because the main characters were always getting involved with each other. Which, just goes to show a point that I want to make which is this...two people of the opposite sex cannot be placed into intimate settings without one, or the other, or both, becoming involved emotionally, physically or both. It's one thing for people of the world to take relationships so casually but for a Christian to do so is just unconscionable.


I would really like to drive home the seriousness of our behavior as Christians. The world is watching you Christian!! Wake up! Ephesians 5 verse 15 tells us to "walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil". The word circumspectly simply means "carefully". We are not to walk as the world does but walk carefully. That means taking account of God and His will and ways, and also taking account of God's people, but most importantly the world because that is where you have your public witness and responsibility.


One last thought before I close on this subject. Colossians 3:17 states that "whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus". When you think about your actions and intentions think also as to whether you can attach the Lord's name to what you are doing. If you cannot then is it likely that you shouldn't do it? I am not advocating a WWJD mentality.(although it is better than nothing) What is far better is that your life would be so formed by the Spirit that what you do would be in keeping with the spirit and moral nature of Christ and after that kind of Man, the "Heavenly" Man. Now, we are said, in Ephesians chapter 2, to be seated with Christ in "heavenly" places. This would make us "heavenly" men also and yet we do such earthly and worldly things. To be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God. Is this really how you want to be thought of?


Think my friends! Think! 


Your brother in Jesus,




Sunday, March 20, 2005

Christ Alone

Below is a post by a woman that I respect in the Lord. She has tremendous insight into the spiritual life. A link is provided to her website below. The following is used by permission. - Philologus

Christ Alone
by Lynette Woods

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, please note that in this writing Christ is understood to mean ALL of Himself.

"Who shall not reverence and glorify Your name, O Lord? For You alone are holy." (Revelation 15:4a).

If seeing Christ alone does not make me want to look and keep looking only at Him,
Then I may as well just concentrate on what I can see here and now on this earth instead.
If hearing Christ alone does not matter much to me,
Then I may as well seek and listen to the opinions and advice of other people instead.

If touching Christ alone does not thrill me,
Then I may as well look for excitement, amusement and pleasure in this world instead.
If Christ alone does not make me know I am wanted,
Then I may as well look for some people who will need and want me instead.

If Christ alone does not make me laugh at myself and my many blunders,
Then I may as well laugh at other people instead.
If Christ alone does not make me sing every song for Him,
Then I may as well sing for myself or other people instead.

If Christ alone does not cause me to grieve and pray with Him for others,
Then I may as well pray and cry tears of self-pity for myself instead.
If Christ alone does not soften my heart by causing me to identify with Him in His sufferings,
Then I may as well experience the suffering caused by my hard-heartedness and rebellion instead.

If Christ alone does not share His thoughts with me,
Then I may as well be occupied with my own thoughts instead.
If Christ alone does not share His heart with me,
Then I may as well be affected by those things which affect me and my affections.

If knowing Christ alone does not make me give up on myself,
Then I may as well defend myself (using His Word if need be).
If knowing Christ alone does not destroy my pride and ambition,
Then I may as well promote myself (using His Fame and Glory if need be).

If knowing Christ alone does not make me content to be unknown by man,
Then I may as well create and maintain a good name for myself (using Christ's Name if need be).
If knowing Christ alone does not bring me face down to the dust,
Then I may as well stand tall and accept people's admiration and appreciation (on His behalf, of course).

If I do not submit to Christ alone hiding me in Himself so that only He may be seen,
Then I may as well expose myself so people will look at, admire and notice me.
If Christ alone does not fulfil my need for Love,
Then I may as well prostitute myself by looking for love from people instead.

If Christ alone is not my only anointing,
Then I may as well manufacture my own version by manipulating people's emotions.
If Christ alone is not my only qualification and definition,
Then I may as well get a title and some credentials from man instead.

If belonging to Christ alone does not satisfy my need for acceptance,
Then I may as well join some clubs and commit myself and my time to them.
If knowing Christ alone does not make all other relationships pale by comparison,
Then I may as well concentrate more on my relationships with people here on earth than with Him.

If receiving Christ alone does not in turn release me to freely give because of All He has given,
Then I may as well just take all I can from both Him and others and give nothing.
If Christ alone does not give me freedom to obey what I have heard Him say to me personally,
Then I may as well disobey and do what I (or other people) want me to do instead.

If Christ alone does not go along with my plans or use me as I desire,
Then I may as well just use others for my own ends and make things happen myself.
If trusting Christ alone is not deemed sufficient for anything I may encounter,
Then I may as well do whatever I can to ensure my success and survival in all areas of life.

If Christ alone does not have first place in my life,
Then I may as well go any place I like, whenever I like.
If Christ alone does not have control of my life,
Then I may as well exercise my rights to do and say whatever I believe to be right.

If Christ alone is not my Teacher and Unveiler,
Then I may as well just accumulate and articulate the knowledge of others.
If Christ alone is not my Wisdom and Light,
Then I may as well jump to conclusions based on what I think I see from the light of my own candle.

If Christ alone does not make me know true Peace and Joy,
Then I may as well fill my life with many things and many people instead.
If Christ alone does not bring me real Rest,
Then I may as well keep myself very busy so I don't notice my internal lack and restlessness.

If Christ alone is not becoming the essence of who I am,
Then I may as well spend time 'finding myself' and bolstering my poor self image.
If Christ alone is not my Life,
Then I may as well just live for myself and forget about eternity.

If Christ alone has not proved to be more than sufficient for any trial I face,
Then perhaps my trials need to be repeated...
If Christ alone is not enough for me,
Then perhaps I am a hypocrite using His Name...

If Christ alone is not the love of my life, then who is?
If Christ alone is not my reason for living, then what is?
If Christ alone is not real to me in every aspect of my life, then am I being unreal?
If Christ alone is not enough for me, then do I really know Him at all?

If Christ alone will make me nothing,
Then He will be my Everything.
If Christ alone is the One Thing that matters to me,
Then the "many things" will totally lose their power and ability to trouble me.

If Christ alone will open my eyes, then I will truly see because of Him.
If Christ alone will open my ears, then I will genuinely hear because of Him.
If Christ alone will break me, then I will be gloriously free because of Him.
If Christ alone will touch me, then I will be completely healed because of Him.
If Christ alone will breathe on me, then I will really live because of Him.
If Christ alone will feed me, then I will be fully satisfied because of Him.

If Christ alone will come and live in me in spite of my total unworthiness,
Then I will be worthy because of Christ alone.
If Christ alone will come and show me that I am irrevocably and completely His,
Then I will be lost in the wonder and glory of being joined with Christ alone!

If Christ alone is what I see, then HE will be seen through me!
If Christ alone is what I hear, then HE will be heard through me!
If Christ alone is what I touch, then HE will be felt through me!
If Christ alone is what I eat and drink, then HE will be tasted through me!
If Christ alone is the Fragrance I wear, then HE will be smelt through me!
If Christ alone is all I know, then HE will be known through me!

If only Christ alone will come and make us One...

If only Christ...

Yes, COME Lord Jesus!

"The Holy Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who is listening say, Come! And let everyone come who is thirsty, who is painfully conscious of his need... and whoever earnestly desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate and drink the water of Life without cost. He Who testifies to these things says, Yes it is true, Surely I am coming quickly. Amen, so let it be! Yes, come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:17,20).


Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Cross Of Christ

The cross of Christ is the cornerstone of human history. All of history revolves around the fact that Christ came and died upon the cross. Our calender use of B.C. and A.D. attest to this historical fact. However, it is NOT the historical cross but the cross as a moral power to subjugate us that is important. This is the Pauline interpretation of the historical event that we call the cross of calvary. By Pauline I am referring to the Apostle Paul's epistles and his understanding of divine truth revealed to and through him.

The cross from the Pauline perspective includes not only Christ's death but also his resurrection. Without the resurrection then the cross means nothing other than the torture of another human being unjustly. But Christ was not just another human being. He was the "perfect" man without sin, spot or blemish of any kind. He was the God-man, i.e. God incarnate in a man. God come into manhood to identify with His creature.

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father". Phillipians 2:5-11

According to this passage Christ was in the form of God, and he took a bondservant's form, and came in the likeness of men. I believe one of the reasons it says "likeness" is because he was like no other man. He was unique in that sin did not dwell within Him. He looked outwardly as other men in the flesh but He was different inwardly. He was perfect. As such He is the perfect representation of what God had in mind for Man to be like. Christ is the standard by which we must judge ourselves before a holy and righteous God.

When we look at the perfection of Christ we must humbly admit our failure to meet up to the mind of God. We were born into sin because of Adam's transgression (see Romans 5:12). All of us have sinned and there is not one of us worthy of God. Christ is the only one that could claim He had no sin. It is because of His personal moral perfection that His sacrifice on Calvary was efficacious. If he had even one iota of sin within Him then He was just another man and we are lost. However cruel, unjust, despicable, evil and hateful the cross was it was the means by which God shows us up for who and what we are. It exposes our own sinfulness in that we are no different then those who crucified Christ. It was His perfection that men could not stand or tolerate and they would say "we will not have this man reign over us" (Luke 19:14).

Men still to this day are saying that they will not have Christ reign over them. We resist the promptings of the Spirit of God to completely surrender to the Cross and the work it has accomplished. Even many so-called Christians refuse the cross. Oh, they acknowledge the "historical" cross alright and the need to deal with the "sin" question. However, they know little or nothing of the fullness of the cross and how it is God's means to apply moral death experientially to the old man (our old sinful and dead nature). Many Christians are deceived in their thinking. They falsly believe that just answering an altar call, saying the "sinners" prayer, being the best person they can be, and going to Church every week buys them Eternal Life. Is this what Christ meant by believing on Him? I admit that having remorse over your sins and recognizing your need of a savior is important and it is a start but that's all it is...a start.

God doesn't want to just clean up the "old man" within you. That man is dead! He died with Christ 2000 years ago on the cross but in practical experience the cross must be "applied" so that the "old man" is truly in his place i.e. DEAD! Intellectual assent to this fact is not enough. We must allow the Spirit of God to make the death of Christ (and our death with Him) real and experiential. This is the only way for us as Christians to live in the power of the resurrection (Philippians 3:10).

I will have more to say about the cross in the days to come so keep checking back.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus,


Friday, March 18, 2005


I decided, after much deliberation, to start my own blog. For those who don't know me, which would be almost everyone, I am an administrator for a Christian message board called Christ All In All. Because the message board has been so slow I thought perhaps blogging would be a better use of my time and talents. Neither of which I have much of but I'll do the best I can.

I intend to use this site to post about things that interest me. Whether it's some comment on a newsworthy event, spiritual things or my hobbies. Besides studying the Bible, and reading or discussing spiritual matters, I have a love of the TV show Star Trek in all it's incarnations. I also listen to classical and jazz music and love to watch old classic movies of the 30's to the 60's.

I hope that any who find my page will find it interesting and at times amusing but most of all edifying. I have a sincere desire to help or be helped in relation to spiritual things.

There is nothing more important in this world than our quest to know God. He has revealed Himself in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He wants a relationship with us on a deep level but I'm afraid that most of Christianity today does little or nothing to encourage a deep relationship with Christ. He wants and longs for us to launch out into the deep but we insist on staying in the shallows for fear He might expect more of us then we are willing to give of ourselves.

So come along if you dare. I'll tell you straight up that I'm not your average, cookie cutter, "Purpose Driven" Christian. I may do and say things that will upset you and also challenge your own personal Pharisaic expectations of what a true Christian is like.

One thing you can bet is that I'm not going to put on my face of piety and robes of sackcloth and pretend to be someone I am not. I will try to be as honest and real as I possibly can. If this doesn't interest you then perhaps you're on the wrong site.

Feel free to contact me on any issues as I am more than happy to have comments, suggestions, rebukes or whatever.

Much love in the Lord Jesus to all scattered in Christendom,
