Well, the Catholic Church has a new Pope!
The formerly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is now known as Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger is a conservative who served under John Paul II. He has written many of the doctrinal papers that have come from the Vatican. He was the Prefect of the Congregation Of The Doctrine Of The Faith under John Paul’s leadership.
One of Ratzinger’s best papers is called: “Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition To Unions Between Homosexual Persons”. It is excellent and well thought out, and it should be studied by all Christians interested in the subject and what approach we, as Christians, should have towards this important cultural issue.
I half expected the Conclave to select Ratzinger as I didn’t think they wanted to deter course too far. Ratzinger will be a forward-looking Pope and yet will be sure to adhere to the established doctrines of the Church. He is a great theologian, thinker and communicator. He speaks several languages fluently, including English, and will undoubtedly be a good representative of the Catholic faith. If Ratzinger has any one problem it would be his age (I believe he is 79 years old). So, it’s unlikely that his service will be a long one.
If you are interested in knowing more about Cardinal Ratzinger I would refer you to The Ratzinger Fan Club site.
Blessings to all my Catholic friends!
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